His helm would be priceless to a True Nord. He is legendary in the history of Skyrim and Atmora. Helm of Yngol - Ysgramor's son, killed in the Sea of Ghosts. They may not be the best, But the with the history behind them they are a must. Okin and Eduj - The preferred weapons of Kvenel the Tongue. But also being able to block with your battle axe will work wonders. It's added protection is priceless compared to the maneuverability of Light Armor.īlock - The most life saving tool of any warrior in Skyrim, Ysgramor's Shield is perfect. Heavy Armor - All real warriors use heavy armor. So it is a must to have it atleast level 50. Smithing - All true Nords craft their own armor. Stone: Warrior til about level 30 or you get 1H/Heavy to 100, Then Steed or Lord.ġ Handed - Eduj and Okin are legendary weapons in Skyrim, You should learn to use them as well.Ģ Handed - Just as Ysgramor once cleansed Skyrim of the Elves with Wuuthrad, you will do the same. If I have anything to say about it, It WILL stay that way." All they care about is their damn lists, they claim they want to bring law and order to Skyrim.

What a mockery of the way things used to be in Skyrim. Does the empire forget what Talos did for man and the Empire on Tamriel? Or the 500? The Empire wants to kill Ulfric for winning a shouting match against the High King? Pah.

The great Ysgramor, his son Yngol, legendary warrior Kvenel The Tongue, and most importantly Talos. That's another thing many have forgotten. I say let the elves come, our ancestors got rid of them once, I'm more than sure that with the right leadership we could definitely do so again. The Empire is trying to take our religion from us.

" Skyrim has recently fallen into madness, Elves banning the worship of Talos, The High King lost an ancient shouting contest with Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak, which when added with the banning of Talos has started a rebellion.